Thursday, 17 June 2010

#6 - Paraguay

I have the sense that Paraguay v Italy is going to be good when I walk into Nueva Costa Dorada and bump straight into a friend who's doing some promotional work for England’s 2018 World Cup bid (of which, more later).

I miss most of the first half because I get chatting to Miguel, who has no doubts that Paraguay can win. But, he warns me, “they have a hard game”, especially against those Italian “fakers”. For a seven year old, he's pretty well informed about the Italian history of diving.

In fact, Miguel turns out to be pretty knowledgeable about all sorts of things. Most importantly, I learn that football stickers retail these days at five for 50p, which seems very reasonable now that I'm old enough to earn a salary. In fact, if I hold off on the San Miguel, I could buy thirty stickers on the way home!

But, inevitably, the beer is impossible to resist. Mostly it's served alongside some excellent tapas. I love the fact that you can order your food by length, picking either half a metre or a full metre’s worth. Three guys in the Paraguayan colours, red and white, are enjoying theirs near the front. Only thing is, it turns out that they’re not Paraguayan shirts - and they’re not Paraguayan men. In fact, they’re members of the London Sunderland supporter’s club, out in solidarity for the only Sunderland players to make it to the World Cup: two Paraguayans.

Towards the end of the evening I have have a word with the Paraguayan Amabassador to the UK. Given that he's been decent enough to turn up, it only seems right that I indulge him for a few minutes. He says some very warm things about England’s 2018 bid, praising how expats of all kinds - such as the four or five hundred Paraguayans in the UK - can find venues in London to come together. Six games into my mission to find all the competing nations in London, I have to agree.

Secondly, he’s very impressed with preparations for the London Olympics and so he has no doubts about the UK's infrastructure for major events. If only he actually had voting power in FIFA, I’d be going home confident in the future of England’s bid.

As we shake hands goodnight, he wishes me good luck for the rest of the tournament – but, of course, not too much! The old wag. I’ll be sure to pass the good wishes on to Fabio and the boys next time we speak.


  1. It looks like everybody had a great night down there!

    Sunderland suppporters get everywhere! We are all behind the bid for 2018 and would love to see the Para Troops go a long way this time around. Nice blog!

  2. The blog's a great idea, and gets a deserved plug from Salut! Sunderland -

  3. Malcolm Dawson18 June 2010 at 15:33

    Am I right in thinking that the bloke on the right used to live in Otto Terrace? If it is who I think it is then I have to ask - do you remember the Murton Stare?

